1·The Chinese belong to the yellow race.
2·He is a yellow race.
3·Chinese people belong to the yellow race. They have yellow skin, and black eyes.
4·The ratio of laser damage threshold for eyes of rabbit, monkey to the yellow race was also discussed.
5·There are mainly three kinds of races in the world: the white race, the black race and the yellow race.
6·The existing data about skin optical properties were obtained from in vitro skin samples or by mathematic simulating. Most of those are mainly about white or black race and seldom about yellow race.
7·Tour de Qinghai Lake International Road Cycling Race, the International Challenge of the Yellow River, the Qinghai Plateau international rock climbing tournament and so on.
8·When the hare was set free next morning, the race judge yellow ox told him that the tortoise had reached the destination last night, therefore, the hare once again lost the race to the tortoise.
9·Asian Americans belong not to a race so much as to a confederation, a big yellow-and-brown tent that covers a panoply of interests.
10·Dora and Boots set out to help the Little Blue Train win the race to the Big Yellow Station so that he can win the grand prize, a new whistle.